Boaters Toastmasters

Toastmaster club. District 72, New Zealand. Rakaia Building, Ara Institute of Canterbury, Madras Street, Chch.

Posts tagged with “Toastmasters International”

View from the back of a tiered lecture theatre showing seven or eight people from behind, looking at a woman wearing a wig with two blonde plaits, who is performing a speech

Celebrating 100 years of Toastmasters

Today’s meeting had a specific theme tied to the date on the calendar. This week marks the 100th Anniversary of the start of Toastmasters International in the back of the founder’s garage. Ian Thornton was our Toastmaster of the Day leading the meeting and injecting pieces of historical information on Toastmasters in New Zealand’s development ... read more.

Heath and Wellbeing Session

Fraser Beckwith as Sergeant at Arms, was organised and welcoming Thomas Bernard, Toastmaster, led us with the Theme of Health and Wellness encouraging us to use exercise to add 5 to 7 years to our life. Stay hydrated, eating cucumbers, watermelon and oranges, getting enough sleep (7 to 9hrs), balanced diet, handwashing, music with exercise, ... read more.

Two women in front of an audience, shaking hands

So much winning

Member blog: by David Pottinger. The theme for this week’s meeting, which included an educational by Laura Bruce, winner of the 2020 D72 Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest, was Winning. Jacqui Anderson opened the meeting as Sgt at Arms and welcomed us in, introducing our Toastmaster for the morning, David Clarkson. David explained the difference between ... read more.