Member blog by Jacqui Anderson.
You just never know what topics and conversations will be covered off at Boaters on a Friday morning but it is always worth jumping online (or going to a live meeting) to get your fill of new conversations.
This week we began with Helen reading a poem by Winston Churchill who was talking about whiskey from polar opposite angles. It is a highly rich and descriptive piece on the good and bad side of whiskey, as only a politician could!
We had our Toastmaster Henry, who was full of interesting facts having his first time in the role. He slotted in a new segment called ‘Toastmaster’s Real Life’ and dished out topics for members to speak to – My Dream Home, a presentation speech and an explanation to a traffic officer for speeding were all in the mix.
Lots of table topics giving many the opportunity to speak to such topics as charities, sustainability, your best sunrise and life hacks. The most quirky was Cam talking about his favourite restaurant called AFG – Afghan Restaurant. He reeled in our interest, it sounded fun, crazy and unpredictable… perhaps it’s our venue for our next get-together? It got us tapping on our keyboards to find out more, and that is where you discover there is a group called ‘Is AFG Open?’ with 4 700 members. It even has a flowchart to explain opening hours. There are “Is AFG Open?” t-shirts as well. There’s a good chance we will be trotting off to try it out after Cam’s rave review.
Our speech recommendations this week came from Roydon, who suggested we watch the ‘umms’ and ‘arghs’, don’t forget to look at the camera, get your camera angle right, repeat the topic, use description and enthusiasm to make an impact!
But the TOP recommendation this week could well be AFG – Afghan Restaurant. Who knew?!?